Remembering my “why”

When I originally thought about trying to publish my first children’s book, I had no idea where to start. I typically do most things the hard way and that seems to be how I learn… unfortunately. Although I am still fairly new to the self-publishing author world, I feel very lucky and grateful to have made the connections I have so far and learned a ton along the way. Way more than I ever expected when I began.

Of course when I started, I had no idea how far things would go or I should say, how deep I would take myself. After all, a self-publishing journey is just that-led by yourself. Everything is up to you, how much or how little you want to do. I had originally intended to put my book on Amazon and told myself “If just one person buys it, I’ll be happy and consider it a success.”

Success. That word means something different to everyone. If you were to ask different people what their version of success looks like to them, each answer would be a bit different. The Google definition of success is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose; a favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.” Since everyone’s goals are not usually the same, ideas of success vary from person to person.

After putting my first book on Amazon, I did not stop there as I originally thought I would. It only gave me more drive to learn and I dove in headfirst. Deep into the unknown author world, which I quickly discovered how much I was in over my head. There is a ton to learn, a never-ending list of to-dos, an overload of resources and an abundance of other authors just trying to do the same thing. Which is great! I believe there is room for us all out there. We are so lucky to be living in a time with the internet where we have all these resources and can have it 24/7 at our fingertips. As well as the connection with others it brings. There are only so many hours in the day however, and there is only so much you can do on your own.

When you self-publish versus the traditional publishing route, you essentially become a business owner besides just having written a book. There is the social media side of things. Website design. Accounting. Sales and marketing. Promotional stuff. Doing author visits, story times, sales and vendor booths if you choose to. Not to mention the time it takes to create/write/illustrate/edit the book or hiring someone to do those things. Then compiling the book all together. Deciding where to get it printed. There’s storing and distribution. Sales…the list goes on!

After all those things and your dream is completed in physical form, you have something to hold and it’s right in front of you. It’s a wonderful feeling to say the least!  

Most people are very supportive, super welcoming and helpful in the author community. There are some, however, in anything we do, whatever job or profession we have where you may face criticism and judgement. It happens to us all at some point. It’s a part of life we all deal with. It seems to sting a bit more when it’s a piece of your heart that you’ve offered so vulnerably to the world.

For example, I recently came across a Facebook post in a children’s author group I am in. The author was saying how other children’s book authors should do extensive research and make sure everything in their books and content they put out for children should be correct and accurate. As far as grammar, content, punctuation, etc. The author was also a teacher I believe, and the post was quite a long and said more than that, but that’s pretty much the idea. Although this wasn’t a direct judgement or criticism towards me, it definitely got me thinking.

While I agree that authors should try and do the best they can and research is always a good thing, of course. I couldn’t help but wonder though…what about imagination and fun? Being silly? What if Dr. Suess had gone by the book and used rules of perfect grammar? What about authors who think outside the box and help children do the same? Or what about writing a book because you want to? We have that right and freedom to say and express ourselves however we wish.

 I did not take offense to the Facebook post; however, it did make me stop and think. It made me have doubts about whether I should continue, as have many other things along this journey. Maybe I should just quit and give up, doubting myself and my abilities. Maybe I am not good enough to be doing this. Then I remind myself that I am figuring it out. We all have to start somewhere. I have great support from my husband, family and friends. I enjoy doing it, especially with my daughter. Hopefully teaching her some things along the way. We have had several great experiences since writing our books. I feel like that counts for something.

Although sometimes it’s hard, I try to find valuable nuggets from others’ criticisms. Even if it just redirects me back to myself. Things I have never thought of in that way, things I could improve upon. Or simply just remembering my “why.” My reasons I started in the first place.

My daughter was and still is the biggest reason I started writing. I also enjoy it and creating makes me happy. My mission statement and hope when starting One Mama’s Heart, LLC, is that others would feel that my work comes from the heart and the love I put into everything I do. Our books or illustrations may not always be perfect, but they are ours. They are original. We enjoy ourselves creating them! That is my “why.” 🩷



The Power Of Snuggs